Our Diverse Program Offerings

Holistic Humanitarian Foundation provides wellness activities, gardening programs, and economic development services. In addition, the organization pursues the objective of disseminating information on holistic lifestyles that nourish people while demonstrating the extraordinary powers of the body and what the natural world provides.

Family of three, man, women, and boy in a green house with vegetation.


Cultivating Food Deserts

Urban agriculture can play an important role in food equity and availability. Hence, Holistic Humanitarian Foundation aims to expose urban residents to inner-city gardening as a food source and sanctuary for educating and engaging the community in the natural world, as well as, providing food for their essential health.


Health and Personal Wellness

Holistic Humanitarian Foundation aims to support people in learning practices that will strengthen their immune system with good daily habits of enough sleep, eating fresh fruits and vegetables and making sure they are getting the right nutrients in their diet. In addition, with the integration of empowering information on overcoming daily stresses, individuals can learn to significantly improve their wellbeing as well.

Plate of fresh salad and egg on a wooden table with decorations
Family of three mother father and toddler boy smiling

Economic Development

Assisting Communities in Times of Need

Holistic Humanitarian Foundation’s economic development program is the creation of financial resources to assist community residence in their time of need. The program provides a one-time only rental and utility payment for low-income families and individuals struggling under financial hardship.


Educational & Literacy Podcast

HHF is committed to inspiring a passion for reading and literary exploration of holistic wellbeing in adults and children. The aim is to provide a literary reading program that is designed to introduce diverse writers to stimulate the minds of readers; as well as improving communities, individuals, and the environment through acquiring of knowledge.

Plate of fresh salad and egg on a wooden table with decorations



diverse Family of black and asian parents having dinner with their two young girls

The Lee Family
Garden Program Participants


black woman with curly hair in front of water

Mya Werring
Health & Wellness Participant

Get Involved Today!

As a growing and dynamic organization, we thrive only with the help and support of our community partners and volunteers. Please consider joining us in our efforts to work harmoniously with the Earth to sustain a healthy life and community.

Multiple hands connected to show unity