From Coffee to Sea Moss for Energy

From Coffee to Sea Moss for Energy

I started living off coffee while in graduate school. It helped me maintain my demanding academic schedule, have a social and athletic life outside of it; so, I did not go crazy under the pressure of it all. Without it, I could not endure the day and keep up with all its requirements. I was depended on coffee to make my life work and when I was without it or withdrawing from it, I immediately searched out for my next hit. I would stop anywhere, any gas station just to come back alive. My friends and family knew when my caffeine level was low because then I would get moody, annoyed, and taciturn. When people started looking at me funny or I heard myself getting short-tempered, I knew I had to run and get my coffee refill. I tried vitamins, particularly B12, but it did not work for me like the strength of coffee.

Coffee in mug on the bed

However, one day, my friend took me to a health food store because we were looking for some natural remedies during the Covid pandemic. I told the sales woman about my caffeine addiction and why I needed it. She recommended sea moss. The sales person said she used it for energy and it was a better alternative to the side effects of caffeine. I was desperate and was willing to try anything because I was up to three or more cups of coffee a day and still needing more to stay alert and social. I bought the sea moss with elderberry. I took the sea moss the next day and I was a convert.  I could not believe I was alive without coffee. The sea moss worked even faster and longer in generating energy in my body. I could feel the cells as they came activated. It was like drinking cold water when I was thirsty. Now, I can enjoy coffee as a beverage and not a dependency. I drink coffee every other week if I think about it or miss the taste of it. Having healthy options to deal with the rigors of life made my daily challenges less stressful because I was able to maintain a more balanced perspective. Sea moss being a healthier alternative and breaking the coffee habit has been a game changer.  

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